Wednesday, August 23, 2006     « Ocean »


God, how I miss the ocean. It has been a life-long dream to live on or near the ocean but I can't decide where that should be. Lake Ontario just doesn't measure up. That looks like a kelp bed floating in the foreground just past the beach. I think I took this picture around Monterey on the 13 hour tour bus trip from hell. With nearly a month's distance from that day, and a stack of film capturing only the beautiful vistas and positive memories, the experience is feeling like it was worth it. I can even be fooled by my own pictures.

My toy camera love has not fallen away, I just don't post them very often. As intimated yesterday, I favour the Diana (loaded with b&w). I use the Holga less often for colour.

I recently archived some old toy camera photos from this site into my flickr stream. The set contains a few recent pictures I posted there but did not put up here. It's not that I favour those pictures less, it's that in some ways the toy camera shots feel too derivative. Maybe I'm wrong.

« Ocean »