Saturday, May 6, 2006     « Winter Pinhole »


I took the plunge yesterday and got a new scanner. Given that each image was taking between 1.5 and 3 hours to clean, and I had 20 large-sized images to produce, it was becoming obvious that I would not have my images ready in time. It took a few hours to figure this sucker out and to get the Digital ICE TECHNOLOGY working with Silverfast but holy shit! It takes about 30-50 minutes for each image to scan but when it is done I barely have to lift a finger to clean it. I love you scanner. BFF (until you break and we have to open you up and fix you with a piece of cardboard getting tons of dust inside and under the glass rendering you able to scan but a total utter pain in the ass for hi-res images).



An active public space exhibition of urban photography.

When: May 13-July 9 (Opening May 12, 7-9pm)

Where: Service Canada building at Harbourfront Centre.

Davin Risk :
Gayla Trail :
Matt O'Sullivan :
Sam Javanrouh :

Presented by Harbourfront Centre and Spacing Magazine as part of Digifest 2006.


Gardening Stuff: We'll be travelling to Chicago in just over a week where I will be doing another Leafscapes event.

« Winter Pinhole »