Tuesday, June 12, 2007     « Beach Grass | Night Hike »


Here I am. Procrastinating. Again. I really want to be watching a movie right now. Today was too hectic for my taste. And my muscles. And the allergies that sabotaged First Bocce of the Season.

I blew three or four hours last night -- three or four hours that should have been spent here at this computer working -- dragging my granny cart on a crazy hike to pick up tin tiles a friend found discarded earlier that day. It felt like we had been walking for days. They were way too big to cart home but we had fun walking through the alleys on the first real warm night of summer with the good smells and the nice everything. Everything is just so fucking lovely and green and lush these days. Stopped at The Lakeview Lunch on the way back and had the best/worst horrible late night food underneath the old-time boxer portraits. The streets felt completely deserted. Things were noted that had previously gone unnoticed. I was so tired on the way back I contemplated a curb couch break and a nap on a patch of fresh lawn in front of the beer store. All-in-all a pretty successful and fun night in my opinion.

Song: "Night of the Living Baseheads" Public Enemy

An Article: "Better to be Hamlet than President George" via a friend.


Buy a print and send a kid to camp! With that "kid" being me and the "camp" being the ocean. Just over a week left. Weeeeee.

« Beach Grass | Night Hike »